As we reach the end of the first year without Dave, it’s with a swollen heart that I announce the release of our album Axis Mundi. Although the overwhelming feeling that he should be here and we should be hitting the road won’t leave my mind, I am at the same time overjoyed that our final effort will at last be entering the world.
of Dave’s and my first year together, we were snowed in, drinking strong eggnog and dressing up in each other’s winter clothes when we decided to take our silliness one step further and write a holiday song. “The Old Church Bell” was the first song we ever co-wrote. We had so much fun with it that that same night we recorded a version of “Silent Night” too, using almost every instrument we had in the house—just having fun with it and each other. Every winter since then, we kept the tradition of recording a few Christmas songs, which we would hand-package and give as gifts to our families. This year, I thought it’d be special and important to make these songs available to our extended family, in an effort to send something fun into the world and keep Dave’s cheerful, fun-loving spirit alive.
The Brown Bird Christmas Album features artwork by our friend Ryan McLennan, and is only available at for a limited time.
A friend of mine had her first motorcycle accident a few years ago. She was unhurt, but rattled, and the bike was in a ditch. I remember her telling me that the cop who responded, after helping her get the bike back up to the street, told her she had to get back on and ride home. If she didn’t, he said, she’d probably never ride again.
And so here I am, back out on the road. I’ll be playing fiddle as one of the “Wrong Reasons” behind Joe Fletcher, from August 27th to September 6th. And from there…who knows? For a full list of shows and info visit Joe’s website:
Hope to see you out there.
Over the past year, I have been so overwhelmed and grateful for the amount of love that has surrounded Dave and me throughout our life and career together. There have been so many beautiful stories shared about Dave—how humble he was, how gracious, how talented…He certainly was all those things.
Four days after Dave and I met we became bandmates, lovers and business partners, and set the tone for what our life would be for the next six years. We never imagined the amount of success we would enjoy in those years, how many incredible friendships would be forged, the experiences we would share, and nothing could have prepared us for the events of this past year. Dave entered the battle with leukemia as only Dave could—determined, steadfast, smiling and always with his mind on our future. His incredible ability to continue writing through his struggle is something I’ll forever aspire to.
On March 25th, we received the devastating news that Dave’s leukemia had relapsed, in a very sudden and extremely aggressive way. He began a rigorous round of chemo the next day, and by that evening the disease and it’s treatment had already wreaked havoc on his kidneys and lungs. During the next week, as our community rallied around me and our families, Dave’s body rapidly shut down and he slipped into a coma.On April 5th, 2014, surrounded by his family and so many friends, Dave peacefully let go.
In the wake of his passing, I find myself continually surrounded by love and support, and motivated by his memory. You- our fans and friends, have become family to me, and as I hold Dave’s spirit close and soldier forward I am comforted by the knowledge that you all are still there—an army behind us.Thank you for all the love you’ve all shown us, and please keep in touch.
You will be hearing from Brown Bird again, very soon.
Love and gratitude,
This William Schaff original will be hanging out at the Be The Match tent at the Newport Folk Festival this weekend. Dave received a successful bone marrow transplant last September, through Be The Match. You could be someone’s savior. Sign up to be a donor.